Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Presentation on September 16th!

To my loyal readers, I will be giving my first presentation on September 16th. I've yet to nail down the venue, but it is most likely to be in the downtown Vancouver area.
It will be about a hour long, with a follow up Q&A, and the presentation will give you a pretty clear picture as to how I can help improve your organization's ability to understand, adapt and lead the way in the coming years. It will be pretty dynamic, albeit it low tech (no fancy slide shows or power point yet!), and will be a great way to get better exposure to my concepts and plans.

Here's an invite, do RSVP me ASAP!

Who Is Presenting?
Gregory Esau--The Unconventional Consultant and founder of Transforming Organizations and Transforming People
This is my inaugural presentation!


September 16th, 7 pm. This will take approximately one hour, with an optional 30 minute Q&A.


To Be Announced.

Who Should Be There?

Any one or any organization that cares about the future, the world, their world, their business and their life.

People who are looking for new, exciting challenges and opportunity in their life.

People and organizations that want to respond to the challenges and opportunities the 21st century is bringing.

What Attendees Will Take Away

A broader perspective of how the world affects you or your business, and how you or your business affects the world.

How my "social systems" approach can help you or your business better adapt to the rapidly changing conditions and challenges the 21st century is bringing, and to be a leader in shaping the future.

A desire for you and/or your organization to join me and my Transforming Organizations and People projects on a journey to be part of transforming the world.

An inspiration to do more, to be more, to be a leader.

Please RSVP

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